Sunday, July 27, 2008

Misunderstandings ...

I've been working on a certain client for about 5 months - in that time have attended about 8 meetings, worked on 3 strategies, 2 campaigns etc ... anyway, I was in a meeting with a member of our team and said client talking about an upcoming campaign involving digital. All seemed to be going pretty well until right at the end when we stood up she said ...

'You guys are pretty tall for I.T guys. The I.T guys here are generally short and pale.'

I wonder how many marketers still think people who work in digital are I.T guys. I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I've been asked to fix someone's hard drive or projector in a meeting. Trouble is - I don't know anything about I.T and the connection is almost like assuming those who work on TV strategies and buying are producers or cameramen.

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